
「什麼是Fit To Be A Doctor?」


什麼是Fit To Be A Doctor?
Fit To Be A Doctor?專為十四十八有意從事護行業的學生而設。此考試評估學生的學術和非學術技能,為醫學院收生時的參考標準。九十分鐘的網上考試由合作伙伴Pearson VUE提供技術支援,於香港及中國的指定認可中心進行。試後四十八小時考生會獲發成績及詳細反饋。

每年有九萬名年輕人申請入讀以英語為教學語言的醫學課程,數千人申請入讀英國和美國的醫學院,當中許多申請者卻未能成功獲得學位。Fit To Be A Doctor?是幫助考生分析個人優勢的寶貴工具,並就考生有需要改善的個人發展領域提供指導此考試由英國皇家醫學院與英國皇家醫學協會合作開發及制定,以確保考生在申請入讀醫學院前做好準備。

FitTo Be A Doctor? 怎樣令學生受惠?

- 如實反映考生強項
- 考生
- 判別考生需要改
- 履歷表上以考試成績展示考生的
- Fit To Be A Doctor? 還有助於展示考生對學習醫學的高度投入和學習英語的

誰應該報考Fit To Be A Doctor? 測試?


-以前曾經考過Fit To Be A Doctor?考試並希望覆檢學習進度的學生

學生應考Fit to be a Doctor?後將會收到為期三個月免費視像教學,錄像取自皇家醫學會的主修課。皇家醫學會會員可以在互聯網上免費收看超過五百條的同類型視頻。?

FitTo Be A Doctor?測量的技能是什麼?
- 非學術技能
作為醫生,非學術技能如溝通能力理心以及團隊合作精神,與學術能力一樣重要。成為一名醫生必須具備的品質良多Fit To Be A Doctor?測試考生是否具備這些條件簡列如下

- 與患者和同事能否有效溝通以及團隊合作的能力

- 組織技能以及在壓力下工作的能力

- 對患者能否表現同理心、慈悲心及維護患者安全和尊嚴的態

- 考生是否誠實正直和願意為錯誤承擔責任

- 考生能否自我反省及致力於個人及專業發展

- 學術技能

醫生的主要工作是負責。除了考察考生解決問題的能力創意橫向思維,Fit To Be A Doctor?還將測試考生分析不同形態的信息的能力。此考試可評估考生以下的能力:








The Medic Portal

MedicPortal為有志成為醫護人員的人士提供最可靠的教學資源和培訓。Medic Portal皇家醫學會合作,是英國最領先的醫科申請平台,為學生提供工具和支援,輔助學生投身這個競爭激烈卻充滿意義的行業。Medic Portal的團隊由執業醫和全職教育專業人士組成,每年有三十五萬名以上的學生使用獨特的在線學習材料和個人課程他們在入讀醫學院」領域取得良好聲譽,並與EtonHarrowWinchester College Cheltenham Ladies College頂尖學校合作,每年為這些學校提供入讀醫學院的一系列準備

ASIS是一家英國為基地的教育服務公司,BUSSATs考試以及一系列職業諮詢測試的開發者。ASISPearson VUE合作,為所有測試提供技術平台。其他職業發展測試包括:適合成為律師?適合成為工程師?適合做企業家?以及適合在金融/銀行業務?。這些測試都與領先的專業機構有聯繫

琥珀教育是香港中國和倫敦的主要教育顧問之一。琥珀教育成立於1999年,為數以計的學生提供專業諮詢服務以及處理英國頂尖學和大學申請琥珀教育BUSSATs指定的測試中心,現在與ASIS合作於香港推行Fit To Be A Doctor?考試。琥珀教育將在香港和中國推出全面的ASIS職業測試。

FitTo Be A Doctor?
(Developed by The Medic Portal and The RoyalSociety of Medicine)
An ASIS Careers Test- theBenchmark Test for students considering a career in medicine
Find out if you have theskills and aptitude to become a doctor

What is
Fit To Be A Doctor?
Fit to be a doctor? is a test for14 to 18-year-olds considering a career in medicine. It examines both theacademic and non-academic skills which medical schools look for when recruitingstudent doctors. The test is delivered online over 90 minutes using technologysupplied by our partners, Pearson VUE, at approved centres in Hong Kong andChina. Candidates receive their scores and detailed feedback 48 hours aftertaking the test.

Every year 90,000 young peopleapply to study medicine on English-speaking courses in China and thousands moreapply to medical schools in the United Kingdom and the United States. However,many of these candidates are unsuccessful in gaining a place. Fit To Be ADoctor? is an invaluable tool to help analyse your individual strengths and toguide you in the areas of personal development where you need to improve. Thetests have been developed in the UK by The Medic Portal in close associationwith the Royal Society of Medicine to ensure that you are properly preparedbefore you apply to medical school.

 How does Fit To Be ADoctor? benefit students?

- It diagnoses your strengths and weaknesses at an early stage
It helps you decide on your examination and career choices
- It enables you to identify areas where you need to improve
You can use the test on your CV to showcase your talents
Taking Fit to be a Doctor? also helps demonstrate your generalcommitment to studying medicine and your ability to study in English

Who should take theFit To Be A Doctor? Test?
Students considering whether they wish to study medicine or otherscience-based qualifications, such as pharmacology or medical research
Younger students deciding which subjects to continue at A Level orequivalent
- Senior students preparing applications to medical school or university
Students who have previously taken Fit To Be A Doctor? and wish to checkon their progress
“After completing Fit to be a Doctor?candidates will receive three months free access to video content from keylectures of The Royal Society of Medicine. There are over 500 of theseavailable online. They are normally only accessible through full Societymembership.”

What skills are measured by Fit To Be A Doctor?
Non-academic skills
As a doctor, non-academic skillssuch as communication, empathy and teamwork, are as important as academicability. A vast range of attributes are required due to the multifaceted natureof a doctor’s role. Fit To Be A Doctor? will test you on these essentialqualities, including the following:

Your ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues andto work in a team
Your organisation skills and your capacity to work under pressure
Your attitude to patients with emphasis on empathy, compassion andmaintaining safety and dignity
Your honesty, integrity and willingness to take responsibility for yourmistakes
The ability to reflect, encouraging personal and professionaldevelopment

What skills are measured by Fit To Be A Doctor?
Academic skills
A major part of being a doctorinvolves diagnosis. As well as examining your problem-solving skills, creativeand lateral thinking, Fit To Be A Doctor? will also test your competency at analysinginformation in various formats. The test measures your capacity to:
Adopt an inquisitive approach to elicit signs and symptoms from apatient
Extract and utilise information from a clinical encounter, combining itwith a vast knowledge base to consider a variety of different diseases
Question multiple hypotheses before settling on the most likelydiagnosis
Constantly update and analyse additional information from investigationsto re-evaluate the initial diagnosis
Critically appraise findings from research papers to ensure that theyare providing patients with optimal medical care

The Royal Society of Medicine
The Royal Society of Medicine,formed over 200 years old, is a leading provider of high-quality continuingpostgraduate education and learning to the medicine profession, encompassingover 50 medical specialties. Its mission is to advance health, througheducation and innovation. Increasingly, the Society provides extensive onlineresources to its members who are based around the world. This includes accessto full text e-journals, medical databases, e-books and videos of key lecturesfrom conferences held at the RSM. The Society actively encourages and supportsall those entering medicine and aims to be a significant provider of educationto the wider healthcare team.

The Medic Portal
The Medic Portal is thedefinitive resource and training provider for aspiring medics and those thatadvise them. Officially partnered with the RSM, it is the UK’s leading platformfor those applying to get into Medicine, providing the tools and support toenable students to have the best chance of accessing this competitive, yetincredibly rewarding career. With a team composed of practising doctors andfull-time education professionals, The Medic Portal engages with 350,000+students per year, using unique online learning materials and in-personcourses. They have developed an outstanding reputation in the ‘Get into MedicalSchool’ field and work with leading schools such as Eton, Harrow, WinchesterCollege and Cheltenham Ladies College, providing their entire Medical Schoolpreparation series every year.

ASIS (Anglo Schools International ServicesLtd)
ASIS is a UK-based educationservices company, the developers of the British Universities and SecondarySchools Achievement Tests (BUSSATS) and a series of career advisory tests. Wework in partnership with Pearson VUE, the world’s leading computer-based testingorganisation, which provides the technology platforms for all our tests. Othercareer tests in development include, Fit to be a lawyer?, Fit to be anEngineer? Fit to be an Entrepreneur? And Fit to be in Finance/ Banking? All ofthese tests are in association with leading professional bodies.

Amber Education
Amber Education is one of theleading education consultancies in Hong Kong, China and London. Founded in1999, Amber provides professional consultation services to thousands ofstudents with their applications to the UK’s top schools and universities.Already a BUSSATs Test Centre, Amber Education has now partnered with ASIS forthe launch of Fit to be a Doctor? in Hong Kong. Amber will lead the launch inHong Kong and China of the full range of ASIS Career Tests.  







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