
「Northumbria University : 具豐富研究,以商業為中心的大學」

Northumbria University是一所具豐富研究,以商業為中心的專業大學,在學術上於全球享有聲譽。大學位於Newcastle upon Tyne的心臟地帶,該市已六次被評為英國最佳學生城市,並在英國最便宜的學生城市排名第三。

自1969年在歷史悠久的Newcastle upon Tyne成立以來,該大學已發展成為一家成功的地區,國家和國際機構。到2000年,Northumbria University是英格蘭東北部最大的大學,擁有廣泛的課程組合,並且其學生人口中擁有豐富的文化多樣性。Northumbria擁有大約32,000名學生,Newcastle校園中有3,300名海外學生,另有3,000名學生在自己的國家學習大學課程。Northumbria大學在商業,健康和體育科學,歷史,藝術與設計,傳播和媒體方面的課程而聞名,並且是英格蘭東北部的於商業,工業提供位置給畢業生。Northumbria有幾個著名的校友,包括Sir JonathanIve,負責蘋果iMac和iPod的工業設計師;欖球傳奇Johnny Wilkinson;Sting和Tim Brown,IDEO設計機構總監。

連續三年位居英國初創企業第一(基於HEBCIS的估算營業額 – HEBCIS 2015/16和2016/17和2017/18),擔任專業或管理職位的畢業生總數在英國排名第七,畢業生就業率為95.5%(DLHE 2016/17)。Northumbria大學在研究方面名列英國前50名,在2020年GuardianUniversity League Tables中名列英國大學50強,並在2020年Complete University Guide中名列前茅,在2020年世界大學排名中名列100名大學,最近在全球排名第27位,在《泰晤士報高等教育》(THE)影響力排名中,英國排名第六。

大學與商業,文化組織和政府緊密合作,將Northumbria的教學和研究重點放在了現實社會上。大學與多家公司和機構合作 - 中小型企業,跨國公司和公共部門的重要部門,包括:Nike,IBM,Nissan,Procter &Gamble,Santander,the BBC及NHS。與領先品牌的合作夥伴關係意味著學生可以於行內建立人際關係,有助開展其職業生涯。

作為BUCS十大體育大學,五次殘奧會學生Takayuki Suzuki表示:「我來到Northumbria並學習了國際預科課程,使我獲得了體育管理學士學位的基礎。我非常喜歡這個課程,獲得了2.1級的成績。我決定留在Northumbria攻讀國際體育管理專業的碩士生學位。在Northumbria大學學習期間,我在2015年世界錦標賽上獲得了銀牌,在2018年亞洲殘疾人運動會上獲得了五枚金牌以及五項比賽記錄。此外,我在2019年打破了100m自由泳(S4)的世界紀錄。沒有Northumbria大學的支持,我無法做到這一點。


Northumbria University is are search-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It is based in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, which has been voted the best student city in the UK 6 times and ranks the 3rd cheapest top student cities in the UK.

Since its foundation in the historic City of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1969, the University has developed into a successful regional, national and international institution. By the year 2000 Northumbria University was the largest university in the North East of England, with a broad portfolio of courses and a rich cultural diversity in its student population. Northumbria has a student population of around 32,000 with 3,300 overseas students on our Newcastle campuses and a further 3,000 studying on University programmes in their own countries. Northumbira is renowned for its courses in business, health and sport sciences, history, art and design,communication and media and the leading provider of high-calibre graduates to business, industry and the professions in the North East of England and one of the highest nationally. Northumbria have several famous alumni, including Sir JonathanIve, industrial designer responsible for the Apple iMac and iPods ; rugby legend Johnny Wilkinson ; Sting ; and Tim Brown,director of the design agency IDEO.

No. 1 in UK for graduate start-ups three years running (based on estimated turnover -HEBCIS 2015/16 and 2016/17 and 2017/18, no.7 in the UK for the total number of graduates in professional or managerial roles, with a graduate employment rate of 95.5% (DLHE 2016/17). Northumbria University, Newcastle are top 50 in UK for Research Power, top 50 UK University in the 2020 Guardian University League Tables and 2020 Complete University Guide, top 100 Young University in the 2020 THE World University Ranking, and has recently been ranked 27th globally and 6th in the UK in the Times Higher Education’s (THE) Impact rankings.

Working closely with business, cultural organisations and government gives a real world focus to Northumbria’s teaching and research. Northumbria University works with an array of companies and organisations - small and medium firms, major multinationals and key parts of the public sector. including: Nike, IBM,Nissan, Procter & Gamble, Santander, the BBC, and the NHS. And partnerships with leading brands mean the student get to make the right connections to start your career.

As a Top 10 BUCS University for Sports, five times Paralympian student Takayuki Suzuki, said that ‘I came to Northumbria and studied on the International Foundation Programme, gave me the foundation move onto an undergraduate degree in Sport Management. I enjoyed the course a lot and gained a 2.1.I decided to stay at Northumbria to study for a postgraduate degree in International Sport Management. Whilst studying at Northumbria, I have won the silver medal at the World Championships in 2015, and five gold medals along with five games records at the Asian Para Games in 2018. In addition, I have broken the world record in the 100m Freestyle (S4) in 2019. I could not have done this without the support I received from Northumbria University.’ 

for more information: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/international/







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